Friday, August 31, 2012

    The CVHC’s last meeting of the summer was held on August 11, 2012, as scheduled, at the Gekkeikan Sake Factory.  Escaping the scorching heat outside, relaxing in the sheltering cool of the meeting room, members Bill Owen, Yvonne Cabalona, Ricardo de Bernardi and Leslie Rose were delighted to welcome a new member to the group:  Debora Larry Kearney who is a Placerville resident who teaches at one of our local Jr. colleges.
    Under old business, Yvonne said she is still happily accepting haibun for this year’s Jerry Kilbride Memorial English Language Haibun contest.  She’s hoping that since our last day for submissions is not until December 1st that we will have a bumper crop of wonderful writings from which our judges will need to choose. 
    Yvonne received a message from Charlie Trumbull (editor of Modern Haiku) who will be in our area attending the Haiku Pacific Rim Conference in September.  We are hoping that we will have a chance to visit with Charlie at that time.
    Still hoping to successfully use web technology for some of our meetings, Bill is exploring Google Plus which would allow up to nine participants to “hang out”.  Before our next meeting he asked us all to explore the possibilities.
    Our next meeting will be after our annual Haiku Reading.  This year's Reading will be on October 27th from 1-3, and, as usual, will be at the Gekkeikan Sake Factory with members sharing their haiku and related genre.  A special invitation will be, as always, extended to those in our audience who have poetry to read as well.
    Before beginning our tan renga workshop, Yvonne shared that we need to be looking for one of her poems which will be appearing in volume 14 of Bottlerockets.   We took turns reading some of our most recent poems, then with much laughter and chatter, we dove into writing tan renga, constructed from poems we each had brought to use as starting points.  In the process we produced a number of poems that we hope you will be seeing in various publications in the near future.
L. Rose


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